
Grand défi Pierre Lavoie

ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚAluminium Canada Fund

Together with our partners, the ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚAluminium Fund Canada aims to deliver long term social and economic benefits for the communities in which we operate and broader society. The Fund encourages programmes and initiatives that align with our priority areas, which include education, environment, health and community liveability. 

Established in 2008, the Fund has invested over C$10 million annually in the regions where we operate to improve the quality of life of our communities and First Nations partners.

What we fund

  • Culture & Heritage: Promote the cultural heritage, recognition and cultural celebrations of our host communities, and most importantly of our First Nations partners 
  • Education: Support primary to post-secondary educational programmes aimed at improving access to quality education, with particular attention to initiatives that encourage Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 
  • Health and well-being: Promote the physical and mental health and well-being of the community through the development of innovative programmes or services that benefit its population
  • Environment: Encourage environmental stewardship and sustainable development through education, awareness, training programs, research and other conservation initiatives surrounding the communities where we operate
  • Community: Contribute to the economic vitality and quality of life of our host communities by supporting initiatives that promote their sustainability and liveability 
  • Reducing inequalities: Encourage initiatives aimed at addressing gender equality and other forms of inequality experienced by certain population groups within our host communities

Increased attention is given to all projects that support Indigenous communities. 


We align our community investments with the United Nations 17 (SDG). The SDGs are a blueprint for action so that all countries - poor, wealthy, and middle-income - can prosper while protecting the planet and living in peace.

All submissions/requests for community investments and partnerships are evaluated according to the degree to which they meet some or all of the following criteria:

  • Aligns with ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿Úbusiness values, adhering to  and our
  • Is a registered Canadian charitable or non-profit organisation 
  • Addresses one or more of the above-mentioned key investment areas 
  • Benefits communities that neighbour our operations
  • Meets an identified need and demonstrates clear, measurable benefits to the community
  • Involves multiple partners to ensure sustainability beyond our support
  • Has a clear project plan, objectives, budget and goals with measurable outcomes

What we do not fund

  • Activities not aligned with ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿Úbusiness policies and
  • Projects outside Canada
  • Projects that do not benefit our host communities
  • Organisations that are not registered non-profit or charitable organisations within Canada
  • Personal appeals by or on behalf of individuals, including the support of travel
  • Student-run clubs or associations
  • Professional sports organisations or events
  • Organisations or programmes that discriminate based on race, religious belief, gender or sexual orientation
  • Website development or production of videos or films except when related to a funded project
  • Political events or organisations
  • Projects that primarily focuses on capital works and infrastructures

Review process

All requests are reviewed by our regional community investment and partnerships teams.

Requests less than C$100,000 are assessed according to focus areas and identified outcomes.

A decision will be communicated within 6 to 8 weeks of the application date.

Requests of C$100,000 and above are assessed according to focus areas and identified outcomes and will be presented to the Fund’s board of directors for review.

The Board meets on a bi-annual basis, after which a final decision will be communicated to the organisation.

How to apply

All requests for funding  must be submitted using the .

Requests received by email, mail, telephone or in person will not be accepted.

Some programmes and organisations we support:

  • wave


We are committed to Canada and ensuring that the work we do creates value and opportunity that reaches far beyond our operations.