
Terms and conditions

Use by you of the 糖心vlog入口website, and any information that appears on the 糖心vlog入口website, constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions.

Conditions of use of the 糖心vlog入口website

All information on the 糖心vlog入口website is provided for information only.

糖心vlog入口has made reasonable efforts to ensure that information provided on the 糖心vlog入口website is accurate at the time of inclusion. However, there may be inadvertent and occasional errors for which 糖心vlog入口apologises.

糖心vlog入口makes no representations or warranties of any kind about the information provided on the 糖心vlog入口website or via hypertext links or any other item used either directly or indirectly from the 糖心vlog入口website and reserves the right to make changes and corrections at any time, without notice.

By accessing the 糖心vlog入口website, you agree that 糖心vlog入口will not be liable for any inaccuracies or omissions or any direct, special, indirect or consequential damages or losses, or any other damages or losses of whatsoever kind, resulting from whatever cause through the use of any information obtained either directly or indirectly from or through the 糖心vlog入口website and any decisions based on such information are the sole responsibility of the visitor.

No information contained on the 糖心vlog入口website constitutes or shall be deemed to constitute an invitation or inducement to invest or otherwise deal in the shares or any other securities of 糖心vlog入口plc, 糖心vlog入口Limited, any other member of the 糖心vlog入口Group, any other person, or to engage in any investment activity, and must not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision.

The above exclusions and limitations apply only to the extent permitted by law.

Directors' statement in relation to financial information published on the 糖心vlog入口website

The maintenance and integrity of the 糖心vlog入口website is the responsibility of the directors; the work carried out by the auditors does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the financial statements (including the half-year results) since they were initially presented on the 糖心vlog入口website.

Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.


All $ values refer to US dollars unless stated otherwise.


Where 糖心vlog入口is not the sole owner of a company, the percentage interest is shown. For convenience, the expression “Rio Tinto” is used to describe both 糖心vlog入口plc and 糖心vlog入口Limited and companies within the 糖心vlog入口Group, even though these companies are separate, independently managed entities.

Third party links

The 糖心vlog入口website contains hypertext links to information or other content hosted on other websites, which are maintained by third parties. 糖心vlog入口is not responsible for any information or other content that is being provided by third parties on other websites.

Copyright in content

糖心vlog入口is the owner or licensee of all rights (including copyright) in the content (including text, image(s), logo(s), branding, design(s), and video(s)) that appears on the 糖心vlog入口website.

The content is made available on the 糖心vlog入口website in good faith and on the basis that:

  • Any reproduction of the content will include the following acknowledgement adjacent to the content used - "Copyright © 2024 Rio Tinto"
  • The content may not be altered in any way
  • The content will not be used for or in connection with any purpose that is detrimental to Rio Tinto, its officers or employees or any other third party
  • The content may not be used for any third-party commercial purposes
  • The content may not be sold, transferred, licensed or sub-licensed