
Walking on Derby Jetty

Working with us

We expect companies and individuals working with us to share our values: care, curiosity and courage. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations of suppliers, their subsidiaries, and subcontractors across critical areas, including health and safety, human rights, business integrity, local and Indigenous communities, environmental stewardship, and regulatory compliance.

Suppliers may undergo a pre-screening process to demonstrate they meet or exceed minimum standards, including ethical and anti-corruption practices. When necessary, we are committed to collaborating with prospective suppliers to help them meet these requirements.

Upon successful award of a contract, suppliers may need to provide additional information for our contractor management system, covering aspects like health and safety practices, insurance coverage, and company and personnel qualifications. As part of our commitment to transparency and sustainability, we periodically request ESG performance information and their business and supply chains.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Our sets out our expectations of suppliers and their subsidiaries and subcontractors with respect to key issues ranging from health and safety, compliance, human rights, environment and reporting. We may choose not to work with suppliers who do not meet our expectations. If you have questions regarding our Supplier Code of Conduct, or about our expectations of our suppliers and business partners, please email suppliercodeofconduct@riotinto.com.

Autohaul driverless trains, Pilbara, Western Australia

Buy Local Australia

In Australia, our diverse supply chain makes operating mines and refineries across regional and remote locations possible
IOC landscape

Buy Local North America

We have a long history in North America, and we are committed to playing our part in supporting local, Indigenous and diverse businesses and contributing long-term socioeconomic benefits to many United States and Canadian communities
Employee at Kennecott smelter

Supplier portals

A comprehensive collection of external supplier resources

We are committed to the following standards and expect the same of our suppliers.

Health and safety

Health and safety is our number one priority and we are committed to ensuring everyone returns home safe and healthy after every shift, every day. We expect our suppliers to share this commitment by providing secure working environments and adhering to relevant regulations. Caring for each other is central to our values, and we focus on preventing incidents and injuries by managing risks.

Business integrity

We choose to work with suppliers who act with integrity. We are committed to acting ethically and expect our suppliers to demonstrate the same commitment to business integrity.

In compliance with the , and our , neither ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿Únor our suppliers can commit, or become involved in, bribery or corruption in any form. We do not ever offer, give, demand or accept any financial or other forms of favour to, or from, any person in order to secure business or any other advantage. We do not use or make payments to expedite routine administrative actions.

We expect suppliers to respect and adhere to our , including rules around offering payments, gifts, or donations with the purpose of creating an unfair advantage during procurement activity or any other business dealings.

Respect for others and the environment

Human rights

We commit to treating people fairly, with dignity, respect, and care and we do not tolerate discrimination or harassment. We expect our suppliers to uphold these principles in their interactions as well.

We respect internationally recognised human rights, including those set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. This includes the and International Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Civil and Political Rights.

The Modern Slavery Statement, outlines our commitments to eradicating modern slavery.


We commit to the responsible use of our shared natural resources and to decarbonise our operations. We expect our suppliers to share this commitment to environmental responsibility. Learn more about procurement decarbonisation targets in our Climate Change Report.

Local community and Indigenous engagement

We support community engagement initiatives aimed at employing, procuring from, and building capacity within, host communities where we operate. We expect our suppliers to proactively support their host communities in a similar manner.

myVoice, whistleblower program

If you become aware, or have reason to suspect, that misconduct or improper circumstances or behaviours connected to ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿Úare contemplated, occurring, or may have occurred, you are strongly encouraged to .

You can turn to the myVoice whistleblower program. anonymously or confidentially, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in multiple languages.

When you voice your concern, this will give us the opportunity to address instances of potential misconduct that may cause harm to people, reputation or success of the company. You also help us to continue nurturing a safe, inclusive and respectful working environment.

Contractor Engagement Solution essentials: An overview

Freight management

Our suppliers may be required to become familiar with our freight management requirements

Freight Preparation Guidance Note
388 KB
Freight Loading and Unloading Procedure
70 KB

Suppliers downloads

Suppliers who engage with us must adhere to the following business practices and standards:

Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
26.15 MB
Supplier Code of Conduct [CN]
26.39 MB
Supplier Code of Conduct [FR]
26.2 MB
Supplier Code of Conduct [ES]
26.17 MB
Supplier Code of Conduct [MN]
26.37 MB
Supplier Code of Conduct [SR]
26.39 MB
Supplier Privacy Statement
Supplier Privacy Statement
423 KB
Supplier Privacy Statement [FR]
228 KB
Cyber Security Requirements for Suppliers
Cyber Security Requirements for Suppliers
110 KB
Cyber Security Requirements for Suppliers [FR]
123 KB
Sustainable Procurement Principles
Sustainable Procurement Principles
24.01 MB
Sustainable Procurement Principles [CN]
24.14 MB
Sustainable Procurement Principles [ES]
23.78 MB
Sustainable Procurement Principles [FR]
20.08 MB
Sustainable Procurement Principles [MN]
23.81 MB
Sustainable Procurement Principles [SR]
24.15 MB
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services - September 2024
345 KB
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services - September 2024 [FR]
606 KB
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services - June 2024 [ES]
356 KB
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services - June 2024 [SR]
283 KB
Archived Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services - June 2024
295 KB
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services - June 2024 [FR]
603 KB
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services - November 2023
405 KB
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services - November 2023 [FR]
481 KB
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services - September 2020 [ES]
268 KB
Global Purchase Order Conditions for Goods & Services - November 2019 [SR]
897 KB
RFQ terms and conditions
RFQ Terms and Conditions
141 KB
RFQ Terms and Conditions [FR]
142 KB
Contractor Engagement Solutions
Australia - Contractor Engagement Solution: Terms of Use
278 KB

Our code of conduct

The Way We Work
The Way We Work
1.69 MB
The Way We Work [AF]
4.57 MB
The Way We Work [ES]
4.7 MB
The Way We Work [FR]
1.67 MB
The Way We Work [IS]
4.85 MB
The Way We Work [JP]
5.27 MB
The Way We Work [KO]
4.99 MB
The Way We Work [MG]
4.63 MB
The Way We Work [MN]
2.52 MB
The Way We Work [NL]
4.73 MB
The Way We Work [PT]
4.77 MB
The Way We Work [RU]
4.54 MB
The Way We Work [SR]
4.59 MB
The Way We Work [ZH]
5.24 MB
The Way We Work [ZU]
4.59 MB

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