
Employees safely walking next to HME at West Angelas Mine

Pay equity

Our commitment to pay equity

Equity is intrinsically linked to our commitment to inclusion and diversity. Ensuring that employees with similar skills, knowledge, qualifications, experience, and performance are paid equally for the same or comparable work remains a core focus. Our gender pay gap reporting consists of two metrics: equal pay gap and gender pay gap. These pay equity statistics are integral to our monitoring of employee pay, they guide pay decisions and investment during our annual remuneration review. The statistics are affected by gender representation across our organisation (we employ more men than women). We remain focused on improving diversity at all levels across the business.

  • Equal pay gap
  • Gender pay gap

Our equal pay gap, the primary lens we use when assessing gender pay, measures the extent to which women and men employed by our company in the same location and performing work of equal value receive the same pay. In 2023, our equal pay gap was less than 1%* in favour of men. 

*Based on full time equivalent, contractual base salary

Gender pay gap is a measure of the difference between the average earnings of women and men across the Group (excluding incentive pay), regardless of role, expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings. In 2023, our gender pay gap was less than 1%* in favour of women consistent with previous years.

*Based on full time equivalent, contractual base salary

We are committed to eliminating any residual pay inequities based on gender or other non-legitimate dimensions of difference.

In conjunction with progressing our Everyday Respect work, various targeted initiatives to reduce gender pay gaps include (but are not limited to):

  • Consistent monitoring and reporting of our gender pay gaps and underlying causes
  • Annual investments in pay that are specifically focused on eliminating gender gaps and other non-legitimate dimensions of difference in pay
  • Year-on-year targets towards achieving gender balance at all levels, including as a performance metric in the Group scorecard of our Short-Term Incentive Plan
  • International Women in Mining mentoring, as well as other mentoring for women at local levels
  • Benefits offering of a gender-neutral parental leave policy
  • Targeted recruitment campaigns at the Product Group level to increase representation of women. Including our Transferrable Pathways and Balance Boost (Iron Ore), Women in Leadership (Aluminium), #SheMines (Minerals) and others
  • Various career and learning development opportunities for women, to enable development and create a culture where women can thrive

Both the equal pay gap and the Group-wide gender pay gap are measured and monitored on a voluntary basis by Rio Tinto, in parallel with country-specific mandatory reporting requirements. 

  • Australia
  • UK

Gender pay gap – Australia1


Industry comparison


Base salary gap



Total remuneration gap



1As calculated by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency

Base salary gender pay gap

On base salary, our median gender pay gap is 2.3% in favour of women. Our base salary approach is driven by principles of fairness and equity, supported by annual investments that ensures our base salaries remain competitive and development driven for all employees.

Total remuneration gender pay gap 

On total remuneration, our median gender pay gap is 13.5% in favour of men. This is predominantly attributed to the under representation of women in leadership and operational roles. Leadership roles receive higher total remuneration, whilst operational roles attract a higher set of allowances to compensate for hardship (eg living and working remotely, payment for additional hours worked, and working nights/weekends etc). The difference in representation of women in operational roles which receive role-based allowances is a significant driver of the total remuneration gender pay gap.

Gender pay gap - UK

Under UK regulations, while none of our UK employing entities meet the minimum reporting threshold of 250 employees, details of the gender pay gap for the largest entity (ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚLondon Limited) have been voluntarily disclosed.

The methodology required by the UK regulations differs from Rio Tinto’s approach to assessing gender pay equity.

The UK methodology calculates the difference in average pay and bonuses between all men and women within an employing entity. It is expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings. This differs from Equal Pay which means that men and women in the same employment performing equal work must receive equal pay.

ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿Úis not obliged to publish the “gender pay gap” report for any of its UK employing entities for 2023, as none of these entities reached the minimum reporting threshold of 250 employees. However, we have chosen to voluntarily publish figures for the largest employing entity in the UK, ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚLondon Limited, as set out below:

ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚLondon Limited Gender Pay Gap Metrics (UK Government Methodology)1

Gender pay gap disclosable metrics (see below for definitions)

Results RTLL (April 2022)

Results RTLL (April 2023)

Mean hourly gender pay gap2



Median hourly gender pay gap2



Mean bonus pay gap for the year3



Median bonus pay gap for year3



Proportion of men receiving a bonus payment4



Proportion of women receiving a bonus payment4




1 Year on year variances in the gaps are primarily a reflection of changes in demographics from employee movement across the 2 periods.

2 Indicates by how much women’s mean/median hourly rate is lower than men.

3 Indicates by how much women’s mean/median bonus is lower than men.

4All current UK employees are eligible for a bonus. Percentages less than 100% reflect employees joining after the bonus cut-off period.


As at April 2022

As at April 2023

Proportion of men and women in each quartile pay band





Lower Pay Quartile





Lower Middle Pay Quartile





Upper Middle Pay Quartile





Upper Pay Quartile





Definitions used for UK disclosures in the table above:

Mean/median gender pay gap

Difference between the mean/median hourly rate of pay paid to men and women (employees whose pay has been reduced as a result of leave and therefore are not "full-pay relevant" are excluded from the analysis). A positive value indicates that the hourly pay for men is higher than for women.

Mean/median bonus pay gap

Difference between the mean/median bonus pay paid to men and women (employees not in receipt of a bonus are excluded from the analysis). A positive value indicates that the bonus for men is higher than for women.

Prop. men/women receiving bonus

Proportion of men/women who were paid a bonus.

Prop. men/women in each quartile band

Proportion of men/women employees in 4 quartile bands, which are calculated by dividing the employee population into 4 equal parts.

Commentary on Results for ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚLondon Limited

Gender pay gap calculations, including the UK pay gap methodology, are deeply influenced by the seniority of men and women in an organisation and industry.

Women continue to be under-represented in senior roles at Rio Tinto, and this is evident in ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚLondon Limited, where employees are primarily located in a small corporate office in London, which contains some of the most senior roles in the company. As representation of women at senior levels is lower, this proportionally affects the size of the UK gender pay gap metrics. The approach to addressing this in the UK is the same as our global goals, including targets to increase the representation of women in Rio Tinto.

Hourly pay gap

The hourly pay gap reflects the number of women in senior roles at ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚLondon Limited, as evidenced by the percentage of women in roles paid in the upper quartile or middle upper quartile.

It is worth noting that the reported level of gender pay gap is materially lower when there are equal numbers of men and women at a given level of seniority. For example, in middle management and middle professional roles, which are the most balanced in terms of gender representation in ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚLondon Limited, the mean and median Gender Pay Gap is 6% and 9% in favour of men respectively at 5 April 2023.

Bonus pay gap (Variable pay)

The ‘bonus’ primarily includes the value of short (STIP) and long term (LTIP) incentives. 

Consistency and fairness checks are conducted annually on STIP and LTIP awards as part of the Annual Remuneration Review. 

The ‘bonus’ pay gap is primarily driven by a higher representation of men in upper bands, which attract higher salaries, STIP and LTIP opportunities.

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