
Rough diamonds from Diavik Diamond Mine in Canada


Diamonds often mark our most unique and important moments, helping us to celebrate the best things in life.

Diamonds preceded human life on Earth, and even dinosaurs. Most diamonds originated in the depths of Earth’s mantle between 1–3 billion years ago. These precious stones found their way to the surface through a series of volcanic eruptions occurring 300–400 million years ago.

  • wave

The world's most coveted diamonds

Beauty and integrity

Sales calendars

  • ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚDiamonds contract sales 2024




    26-28 March


    13-15 May


    24-26 June


    26-28 August


    30 September-2 October


    18-20 November

    December  19-20 December


  • ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚDiamonds auctions and tenders 2024





    1–14 March
    Auction: 18 March


    1024 April
    Auction: 25 April


    27 May–8 June
    Auction: 13 June 


    4-17 July
    Auction: 23 July


    28 August-12 September
    Bids closing: 18 September


    19-27 November
    Auction: 28 November

    *Subject to change - RTD will inform in case of changes

Argyle Everlastings pink diamonds
The Argyle Pink Everlastingsâ„¢ Collection


Forty years ago, in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, after a decade of searching an area the size of France, 2 of our geologists – Frank Hughes and Warren Atkinson – saw a small diamond embedded in an ant hill. What those ants had found was one of the richest diamond deposits the world had ever seen. After years of hard work sampling creeks and rivers, following clues in the endless, remote Australian outback, Hughes and Atkinson were standing on top of the pipe that would become the Argyle diamond mine. 

Today, our white and coloured diamonds are some of the world’s most sought-after gems. In November 2020, mining ceased at Argyle, after 37 years of operations and more than 865 million carats of rough diamonds, including a tiny proportion of extremely rare pink diamonds. We are committed to respectfully closing and rehabilitating the mine and returning the land to its traditional custodians.

With 37 years of Argyle Pink Diamond production in global markets we continue to manage the Argyle Pink Diamonds brand through sales of remaining inventory, secondary market platforms, certification processes and creative collaborations with renowned national and international jewellers.

We produce the full spectrum of diamonds in terms of quality, size and colour. °¿³Ü°ù Diavik mine produces a high proportion of large, white, gem-quality diamonds, traditionally associated with engagement rings, luxury jewellery and collector pieces. Diavik also produces a small proportion, less than 1 percent, of yellow diamonds.

°¿³Ü°ù Argyle mine, by contrast, produced predominantly small, coloured diamonds – generally destined for the affordable fashion jewellery market – as well as an extremely small volume of the rare and highly prized pink diamonds sought after by high-end collectors, designers and diamond connoisseurs.

Our diamonds are not just rare and beautiful – they have an honourable pedigree. We want our customers to be confident that the journey their diamond makes from the mine to the market is a worthy one: that landscapes and cultures are treated respectfully; local communities prosper; safe and fair working conditions are provided and that we deal transparently with our industry partners.

We have partnered with leading international organisations to ensure the integrity and reliability of the wider diamond industry too. We were a founding member and the first mining company to be certified by the , which promotes responsible, ethical, social and environmental practices throughout the diamond, gold and platinum jewellery supply chain. 

And we have taken an active leadership role in the , which represents the diamond industry in the Kimberley Process and has established a mechanism for guaranteeing to consumers that diamonds are conflict free.

We were also a founding member of the , the first organisation to represent diamond producers at an international level. The Natural Diamond Council supports the development of the diamond sector and works to maintain and improve consumer confidence in diamonds.

Our diamonds operations

Argyle, the Kimberley, Western Australia


Ceasing mining in 2020, Argyle was one of the world’s largest producers of diamonds and the largest supplier of natural coloured diamonds
Diavik from the air


ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿Ú 200 kilometres south of the Arctic Circle sit some of the world’s most sought-after diamonds