
Gudai-Darri solar farm, Pilbara

Harnessing renewables to decarbonise the Pilbara

Sun and wind will power one of the world's largest microgrids

Last updated: 2 August 2024


Steel is the most used metal in the world. It’s integral to everyday life due to its strength, longevity and versatility. It’s used in everything from household appliances like washing machines and fridges, all the way up to major infrastructure like bridges, skyscrapers and even the towers that support wind turbines.

Iron ore is the primary raw material used to make steel, and a significant part of our business involves mining and producing 5 iron ore products across 17 integrated mines in the vast and beautiful Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Producing this essential material uses a lot of energy, which we currently source mostly from non-renewable sources — gas to power our mines and processing plants, and diesel to run our trucks and trains.

And we know we must address this.

This means working with our people and partners to determine the best ways to replace gas and diesel with sustainable alternatives.

By working closely with Traditional Owners, local businesses and industry partners, we’re hoping to co-design renewable energy solutions that will decarbonise our operations in a way that also benefits the communities we operate in.

Our approach to developing renewables in the Pilbara

We operate of the world’s largest microgrids at our Pilbara operations, underpinned by 480 megawatts (MW) of gas-based power capacity.

In a region that’s blessed with ample year-round sunshine and strong winds at night, the Pilbara offers one of the best opportunities in the world to harness solar and wind power for energy generation.

We estimate that we will require 600–700MW of renewable energy to displace the majority of gas use across our Pilbara power network, a capacity that’s enough to power roughly 160,000 homes.

Supported by large scale battery energy storage systems (BESS), this energy source will provide reliable and secure energy to the Pilbara.

But we face some big challenges to achieve this.

The Pilbara is remote, posing labour and cost challenges, and we need to make sure that any new infrastructure will be located to minimise impacts on the local environment and community.

We’re working with Traditional Owners, local communities and suppliers to develop innovative, fit-for-purpose solutions.

ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚManaging Director Rail, Port and Core Services Richard Cohen with Ngarluma Elders Les Hicks and Josie Samson and Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation CEO Ljuba Mojovic
ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿ÚManaging Director Rail, Port and Core Services Richard Cohen with Ngarluma Elders Les Hicks and Josie Samson and Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation CEO Ljuba Mojovic

Partnering for a more sustainable future

Working together with the Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation, we’re progressing the development of an 80MW solar farm on Ngarluma Country, near Karratha, to supply renewable energy to our Pilbara operations.

When complete, this project has the potential to reduce the amount of natural gas currently used for generation across our Pilbara operations by up to 11% and could reduce Rio Tinto’s emissions by up to 120kT CO2e.

The project underscores the significance of our relationship with the Ngarluma community and demonstrates our commitment to working together towards a more sustainable future. It’s an example of how we intend to approach renewable energy projects – creating new partnerships, strengthening existing relationships and providing social and economic benefits to local communities.

The impact of this project is consistent with the ambition of the Traditional Owners, that is, to preserve country, preserve air, and use the forces of nature to generate good.”

- Ljuba Mojovic, CEO, Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation

Partnering for a sustainable future in the Pilbara - Karratha Solar Farm

We're also exploring a renewable energy project with the Yindjibarndi Energy Corporation (YEC), called Project Jinbi. Currently in development by YEC, Jinbi includes 75MW of solar on a greenfield site located west of Millstream Chichester National Park on Yindjibarndi Country.

It’s the first project we’re exploring together since we signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on a range of potential renewable energy opportunities, including wind and solar power, as well as battery energy storage systems.

"Our people are encouraged by Rio Tinto's interest in building this capacity with us," Yindjibarndi Chief Executive Michael Woodley said.

"This will strengthen our existing partnership and provide long term benefits for our community, while also ensuring we can protect and preserve the areas of cultural, spiritual and environmental significance within our ngurra (country)."

Simon Trott and Michael Woodley
Simon Trott and Michael Woodley

A system designed with future energy needs in mind

We’re focusing on environmental surveys and monitoring programs at preferred sites, and engineering work to help integrate our future wind and solar farms into our existing grid. We're also investigating options for future large-scale wind and solar projects at other sites across the Pilbara.

Our Gudai-Darri solar farm has completed its commissioning works and is progressing the testing and ramp up to full capacity. It has the potential to provide one-third of the mine’s electricity needs to power our fixed plants and infrastructure during peak periods.

Together with the Tom Price battery electric storage system (BESS), the solar plant is set to reduce our annual carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by about 90,000 tonnes – the same amount produced by 6,000 homes in Australia every year.

When paired with the early phases of fleet electrification, we project that the first 1GW of renewables will abate around one million tonnes of CO2e – equivalent to more than what 200,000 cars would emit in a year, and about a third of our total Scope 1 and 2 emissions across our Iron Ore business.

We know that we still have a long way to go to meet our target of halving our emissions from our operations by 2030.

But by working with Traditional Owners, local businesses and partners, we’re hoping we can effectively harness the natural elements of the Pilbara to accelerate our decarbonisation and provide a sustainable future for the communities where we operate.

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