
Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée SA (CBG)

Update on CBG

Rio Tinto, through Halco, is working with the Government of Guinea to support CBG as it continues to improve its ESG performance and enhance the contribution it makes to the country.

CBG is a bauxite operation in Guinea owned by Halco Mining Inc. (51%) and the Guinean Government (49%). Halco is a consortium comprised of ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿Ú(45%), Alcoa (45%) and Dadco Investments (10%). ÌÇÐÄvlogÈë¿Úparticipates on the boards of Halco and CBG, with representation on various shareholder oversight committees.

Through our Board and committee roles, we monitor and support CBG’s approach to environmental protection, community issues and human rights. We are aware of the concerns regarding access to land and water, and the pace of livelihood restoration programs as well as concerns regarding CBG’s stakeholder engagement.

In 2023, sustainability advisory committees at Halco and CBG levels met regularly, strengthening our governance oversight and providing support to CBG for the improvement of CBG’s social and environmental practices, including for the development of an ongoing human rights due diligence process. Both the Halco and CBG advisory committees are closely following CBG’s response to a complaint made to the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO). The mediation process facilitated by the CAO has conducted 4 plenary sessions and several other bilateral meetings between the parties in 2023. Through a collaborative approach, important progress was made with agreements on CBG’s practices on stakeholder engagement and management of grievances. Additionally, the implementation of previous agreements on blasting and access to water have progressed, delivering positive outcomes to local communities. Halco continues to participate in the mediation process as an observer, alongside the IFC.